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Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to School

See full size imageWow! That break we had didn't last too terribly long. Great to see all my students again today. We got our feet running to try and squeeze in another test before the semester tests come up in just three weeks! As for my Connections class, we continued our graphing of linear inequalities, but now we solved a whole system of linear inequalities. I thought this lesson went very well. Our new techniques in shading really helped out. In my other class, Algebra II, we continued on with matrices. Finding determinants and using Cramer's Rule went over somewhat well with them. Let me say, it went over a whole lot better when my students found out they could use their calculators to solve their equations! First Semester is almost down, who knows where the time goes.

P.S. I just picked up some Dover books at Barnes and Noble, which look very intriguing. One is about solving mathematical problems easier, and another is about the mathematics involved in religion. I was very glad to see these, since I haven't seen many Dover books since I used some to complete my B.S.. Dover books are small and somewhat easy to read if you start off on the right foot from the beginning.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Although school's been great, a good break doesn't hurt my feelings one bit. This year is going by so fast! Below is a summary for my book, TC MITS, that I had mentioned earlier.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time Flies When You're...TEACHING!

This year is going by very fast! Adjusting to all the distractions has been a challenge, but I think we're going to make it. Last week I got to see a calculator fight, and this week reminds me of A River Runs Through It, and by "it" I mean Hamburg High School! We had a sight yesterday when most of the school was flooded with no electricity. The new roof is almost finished. All that's left is that splice down the middle of the top of the tin! We're back in business now though. Algebra tests this week and next. Last home football game tomorrow, and then basketball season will begin this Saturday. So far it's been an eventful, exciting, unregretful year.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Nine Weeks Down!

Well, we did it. We lasted a whole nine weeks! Most of my students did very well. Also today, I had my first tutoring student come for extra Geometry help. We've had quite a few interruptions these past two weeks. Everything from ASVAB, pictures, flu shots, to beams falling through the roof! Great overtime win over Lake Village. Home game this week against Dollarway.

P.S. I just read TC MITS, which is a great book about modern mathematics in layman's terms.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fostering Algebraic Thinking

Well, I've had a great week in teaching. Even though it was homecoming and we lost, I think my students may have actually learned something. Saturday was another fun experience meeting with fellow math teachers. We got to review how our students were thinking. The review came from word problems that were given out earlier in the school year. Professional developments in math have been very helpful with my teaching. This week I get to go to Little Rock for a conference on Geometry. All in all, should have another great week. Times getting close for nine weeks grades. I hope all my students can get it together!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homecoming Week!

This week is the mother of all interruptions. I have never seen students so active on a Monday! I will be busy giving tests for Algebra II and Geometry, good luck with that. Also, my mentor will get to observe me in my Connections class. I was so glad today when my principal brought me a document camera, since my Promethean Board's been broken. Then I remembered, "oh yeah, the board doesn't work because the projector is broken", and that is also why I won't be able to use the camera! Oh well, I'll live with the markerboard for now. Great football win over the Dragons! Good luck with the Owls this week. Go Lions!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


This was a long week, but we made it! I don't know how much my students learned with all the testing and classroom disruptions, but I am optimistic. Is buying class rings more important than learning algebra? I think not! Oh well, we'll get used to all the drama eventually. I can't wait 'til parent teacher conferences! Another week down at Hamburg High School.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Target Testing!

I gave my interim assessment for Algebra II today. I think my students did fairly well. I'm just glad to finally get those sections over with. Now we can move on! Football at Fordyce tomorrow. Good luck lions, and boot those bugs! Also, parent teacher conferences next week. I can't wait. I hope I get to talk to a lot of parents. Overall, today was a great day in teaching.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Busy Buzzing Bees

Great rival win over Crossett goes to the Lions!

This is a busy week for the students as well as myself. My Algebraic Connections classes already took their tests yesterday and today, my Algebra II has a test Thursday, and my Geometry class is getting a hefty quiz for Thursday. Best of luck to all!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Go Hamburg!

Today was a great day at HHS. The students got recognized with checks for their great achievements on last year's advance placement tests. Governor Beebe, a state senator, and many other school representatives came to witness this event. From 2006, when there were no passing scores, to last year's fifty-four, Hamburg High School has witnessed a great improvement.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome to my teaching blog!

Welcome everyone! If you don't already know me, my name is Adam Wade. I have been married to my amazing wife Casey for four years. She is the whole reason I started teaching. This is my first year to teach, and I am teaching High School Mathematics in Hamburg, Arkansas. These first two weeks have been excellent. I am teaching on block A/B days, which has been very interesting. I have struggled some to get adjusted, but the reward is well worth it. Teaching only three classes a day is just fine with me. Overall, I am looking forward to an exciting year in the education of my students, as well as myself.